Getting started

With Solid Formly you can generate a dynamic forms with custom rules and styles for application's solidjs & solid-start 🙂.

  •  Generate dynamic and reactive forms.
  •  Easy to extend with custom field type and validation.


npm install solid-formly


The firstname is required
Your firstname is too short min=3
The password is required
Your password is too short min=6
import { createSignal, Show } from "solid-js"; import { Formly, IValue, IField } from "solid-formly"; const form_name = "formly_usage"; const fields: IField[] = [ { type: "input", name: "firstname", attributes: { type: "text", id: "firstname", classes: ["form-control"], placeholder: "Tap your first name", }, rules: ["required", "min:3", "max:10"], messages: { required: "The firstname is required", min: "Your firstname is too short min=3", max: "Your firstname is too long max=10", }, }, { type: "input", name: "password", attributes: { type: "password", id: "password", classes: ["form-control"], placeholder: "Tap your password", autocomplete: "off", }, rules: ["required", "min:6", "max:10"], messages: { required: "The password is required", min: "Your password is too short min=6", max: "Your password is too long max=10", }, }, ]; const Form = () => { const [values, setValues] = createSignal<any>(null); const onSubmit = (data: IValue) => { setValues(data); }; return ( <> <Show when={values()}> <pre> <code>{JSON.stringify(values(), null, 2)}</code> </pre> </Show> <Formly form_name={props.form_name} fields={props.fields} onSubmit={onSubmit} btnSubmit={{ text: "Send", }} btnReset={{ text: "Reset", classes: ["outline", "btn-primary"], }} real={true} /> </> ); }; export default Form;